Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Litterless Lunches

Today the EcoTeam showed our first production on litterless lunches. A huge thank you to our Eco-Superstars who helped make the video a success (my favourite part was the bloopers!). For those of you who want more info on litterless lunches, here it is:

What? Sending lunch in re-usable containers

Why? To encourage the 4th "R"...Re-Think! It is time we started to re-think the way we make school lunches. It is easy to go litterless, but it does mean re-thinking what you buy at the grocery store.

For example: - Buy the large tub of yogurt instead of tubes or individual cups. The large tub can be recycled, but the individually packaged yogurt goes in the garbage.

- Even though juice boxes can be recycled, buying one can of concentrate goes a lot farther in re-usable drink containers and creates a lot less waste.

- Cheese and crackers is a simple snack to make, and is healthier than the processed cheese that comes in the snack packs.

Just remember...leave the packaging at the store!

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